US National Quidditch Team Fantasy Tournament

Take home the gold and learn from the best at the 2018 US National Quidditch Team Fantasy tournament!

Athletes of all skill and experience levels sign up via this form ( to compete and selected general managers pick through their applications to create a draft board. During the week of May 27, selected general managers will draft their ideal fantasy team (snake style) in a live draft. Then, on Sat., June 16, each team will come together at the Round Rock Multipurpose Complex to play a series of games (up to 40 minutes each) in hopes of taking home the gold and bragging rights as the first-ever USNT Fantasy champions!

In between matches, select USNT athletes will teach workshops on various aspects (ball handling, beating, seeking, tackling, etc.) of the sport to help those interested gear up for the 2018-19 US Quidditch season. If you would like to participate in the workshops but not the fantasy side of things, we have a ticketing option for you, as well!

– Rulebook: USQ Rulebook 11
+ Alterations: 40-minute game caps, rectangular soft boundary
– Format: Pool play into bracket

Spectating is free! The cost to play and participate in workshops is $25 plus processing fees. If you are only interested in participating in the workshops, the cost is $10 plus processing fees. All proceeds will go toward USNT travel costs.

There are only 216 player spots and 50 workshop-only spots, so don’t miss out on this opportunity to have fun while learning from the best!

Spots are not guaranteed until payment is received. Any drops made on or after June 1 will not be refunded.

– Player:
– GM:
– Volunteer:


Round Rock Multipurpose Complex
2001 N. Kenney Fort Blvd
Round Rock, TX 78665

Phone: 512.341.3125
Fax: 512.341.3110