Elite Cup 2022

The Round Rock Multipurpose Complex welcomes back the Elite Cup on January 15 – 16.

The ELITE CUP 2022 is a Class I Tournament open to USYSA, US Club Soccer, USSSA, and FIFA affiliated teams. It will combine top-level competition with professional tournament organization – competitive bracketing, premium fields and top referees. All attending teams will be provided Home and Away Tents, Team Benches, Pro-Trainers, Gatorade Stations, No Coaching Conflicts and a 3-Game Guarantee. 

Teams are allowed 22 players for U13 through U19 (18 rostered per game) 16 players for U11 and U12, and 14 players for U8 through U10. Age groups U9 & U10 will play 7v7, U-11 & U12 will play 9v9, and U13 & U19 will play 11v11. Five guest players per team will be permitted for all age groups.

Top-quality trophies, as well as individual awards, will be presented to teams finishing in 1st and individual awards for 2nd place for the U-8 to U-19 age groups.


Round Rock Multipurpose Complex
2001 N. Kenney Fort Blvd
Round Rock, TX 78665

Phone: 512.341.3125
Fax: 512.341.3110
