Welcome to the Multipurpose Complex blog page! We are excited to launch this new page as a resource for sports event planners, sports parents, athletes, coaches, and spectators. Our goal with this blog is to provide you with in-depth information on our youth sport training programs, facility amenities, national events, Round Rock, and more! We hope it will be your go-to page for the latest updates and facility information.

If you haven’t been to the Complex yet, here’s a little information about the property. The Round Rock Multipurpose Complex is located in Round Rock, Texas, just 3 hours from four of the largest cities in America. The Complex sits on 68 acres and consists of 10 “Multipurpose” fields with 5 Synthetic Turf fields and 5 Natural grass playing surfaces. The complex can host various outdoor sports tournaments and training sessions for athletes of all ages year-round. The facility also includes ample parking spots, Musco sports lighting, restroom/concessions building, spectator amenities, playgrounds, and more. The Round Rock Multipurpose Complex is a top-notch facility with an experienced staff to help practices, events, and tournaments run smoothly.

Over the years, we have hosted hundreds of tournaments, thousands of teams, and tens of thousands of athletes from all around the world. We hope to connect with all of our user groups with this blog and answer any questions you may have. For all the latest information, make sure to keep an eye on this page and our social media pages @roundrockmpc on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter. Thanks for reading!