Tour The Round Rock Multipurpose Complex

Welcome to the Sports Capital of Texas, where sports are a big deal, and our sports facilities are world-class! In Round Rock, we take pride in having premium facilities for tournament directors, athletes, and spectators from around the world. One of our top facilities is the Round Rock Multipurpose Complex. From the playing surface to the lighting, every detail is carefully curated to deliver the ultimate sporting experience. Here’s an in-depth look at this premiere facility. 

The Round Rock Multipurpose Complex 

The Round Rock Multipurpose Complex is located in the heart of Texas, just 3 hours from 4 of the largest cities in America. The complex is in a prime location close to many hotelsrestaurants, and shopping. The complex sits on 68 acres and consists of 10 “Multipurpose” fields with 5 Synthetic Turf fields and 5 Natural grass playing surfaces. The space is customizable and can be utilized for a variety of events and tournaments. In the past, we have hosted quidditch, lacrosse, rugby, flag football, and more!

Map of the complex 

As soon as you step onto our property, you’ll notice the pristine playing surfaces. We have 5 premium synthetic turf fields with professional-grade Prestige XT field turf and 5 grass fields with Tiffway 419 Bermuda natural grass. Tiffway 419 is one of the most widely used grasses for professional athletic surfaces, due to its weed and disease resistance, impact-absorbing cushion, and tolerance to frequent use. We know that field quality is vital, so we have a team of experienced professionals that maintain our fields daily. Our typical maintenance schedule includes mowing 3 times a week, fertilized monthly, and aerated roughly twice a year. We also sweep and sanitize our turf fields to ensure they are in prime playing condition for the fields. 

Freshly mowed field at a championship field

Sit back, relax, and cheer on your team from our premium seating! At the Round Rock Multipurpose Complex, we want you to have the ultimate spectator experience. We have seating space throughout the facility and our championship fields have covered bleachers with prime views of the fields. We also have players’ benches on the sidelines and covered pavilions throughout the complex. Additionally, we just expanded our seating capacity at the grass championship field by adding 1200 permanent bleachers. 

Watch this video to learn about our seating!

For Friday night lights and nighttime games, the Multipurpose Complex is illuminated by the top-of-the-line sports lighting. We have the Musco Sports Lighting System, at all ten of our fields. To keep the score we have Daktronics Galaxy AF-3550 Scoreboards on our 2 championship fields. These elements give athletes and fans the ultimate tournament experience and ensure matches run smoothly. 

At the heart of our facility, you’ll find our climate-controlled clubhouse building that includes meeting space that can be utilized as a hospitality area, VIP space, media room, tournament headquarters, players’ rooms, and more. The rooms are equipped with 90’ TVs, flexible seating, and access to hardwire ethernet ports, Wi-Fi, and additional power. 

Meeting space in our administrative building

Additional amenities include a referee’s lounge with private restrooms and a tournament operations space. Two primary parking lots with ample spots, ADA approved restrooms, playgrounds, and a variety of outdoor eating areas. 

Playscape and shaded awnings

At the Round Rock Multipurpose Complex, we focus on the facility details to ensure that events run smoothly and our guests have a memorable experience. Whether you are a tournament director, athlete, Round Rock local, or visiting us from out of town, it is our pride to create a safe, clean, positive environment for all to enjoy. We can’t wait to welcome you to our world-class facility. We’ll see you on game day! 

For more information on the Multipurpose Complex visit or follow our FacebookInstagram, and Twitter

Watch the video below for a quick overview of our facility!